'Bringing the Vision Alive' - Resources for School Leaders
As part of the Foundation's commitment to equipping leaders to work with the Church of England Vision for Education in their own context, we have developed a range of resources. These practical activities are designed for use in meetings (SLT, Governors etc.), CPD/INSET sessions and conference settings, and can be ordered individually, or as part of pack, by completing this online order form

There are 8 different resources in the suite, all available to order by completing this online order form
- Activity 1: Reflecting on Current Lived Reality - helping leaders think about their current experience, context and recognising the influence that this has on their thinking and practice
- Activity 2: Evaluating Prevailing Narratives - exploring the impact of other educational narratives, including White Papers, Ofsted, performance measures etc.
- Activity 3: Other School Contexts - the Vision for Education is for all schools, not just church schools and this resources helps unpack this important feature of the document
- Activity 4: Going Deeper - enabling much deeper reflection on the 4 key areas of the Vision, beginning to think theologically about education as leaders
- Activity 5: Textual Analysis - in depth analysis and reflection on the text of the Vision, unpacking key phrases and their implications for school leadership
- Activity 6: Ethos Enhancing Outcomes: exploring 20 School leadership issues - a dynamic questioning-based approach unpacking 20 different school leadership issues in relation to the Vision - including for example, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Removing Disadvantage, Character Education, Admissions and many more
- Activity 7: Pedagogy, Leadership and Theology - a coaching approach equipping leaders' holistic development around the same 20 school leadership issues - thinking theologically about education
- Activity 8: Ethos Enhancing Outcomes: exploring 17 Governance leadership issues - focusing on a wider variety of governance leadership issues on bringing leaders' vision for education to life building on 6 key areas: strategic leadership, accountability, people and teams, structures, compliance, and evaluation
- Activity 9: Ethos Enhancing Outcomes: exploring 18 MAT Leadership issues - focusing a wider variety of system leadership issues for MAT CEOs and Senior Staff, including building culture, effective collaboration, governance, standardisation vs autonomy, risk management and school improvement