Diocesan Education Leaders Programme
The Diocesan Education Leaders’ Programme is open to new DDEs, Deputy DDEs and aspiring DDEs.
Aims and Objectives
In this 12- month programme, leaders will learn from subject experts, peers, and experienced DDEs, becoming part of a community which is engaged in reflective practice.
By taking part, leaders will deepen their Calling, widen their professional network and nuance skills in navigating the complex landscape of leading with a diocese.
See the DELP 2021- 22 Programme Calendar for a module overview and scheduled dates.
Programme Overview
Starting in November 2021 participants will start the programme with either Module 1a. Thinking Theologically or Module 1b. Applying Theology in the Workplace which focus on developing theological understanding.
You can see the DELP Module 1a. Thinking Theologically Programme Flyer here Module 1b. Flyer to follow.
Subsequently, at the two day residential in March 2022, participants will explore their own leadership and vocation, beginning the process of working with a facilitated action learning set for a six month period. Action learning sets are small groups of participants who meet together to support one another to achieve learning goals and are facilitated by experienced DDEs or equivalent.
Following this participants will then select which module 3 series to focus on- either Module 3a Systems Thinking or 3b Stakeholder Management, coming together again in February 2023 with a second face to face learning event.
Participants may also wish to add on additional modules to their professional development plan on a pay per module basis.
Open Workshops
With the exception of Module 2, all other modules are open to those working within diocesan education teams, as senior school leaders, or are members of a diocesan board. Individuals may select to complete the modules best suited to professional development needs and do so on a pay per module basis.
Participation in the 12 month DELP programme costs £750+VAT.
Completion of each stand-alone module is £90+ VAT.
Book your Place
Booking is now open. Individuals applying for the 12 month DELP will be asked to include details of either their Diocesan Director of Education (if not in this role) or the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Education so that a reference can be obtained.
There are limited spaces on all programmes so apply early to avoid disappointment.